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Day of Caring

Disaster Relief

Dollars for Scholars


Emergency Food & Shelter Program


Financial Security

VITA Program


The easiest way ever to instantly DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS!

Double your Donation - and your impact! During this campaign, certain gifts can be matched dollar for dollar.

Financial Security
The matching dollars are in the form of a grant. We must earn the the grant with matching gifts in order to claim it*. The matching grant funds will help support our Financial Security Programs, including Get Ahead workshops and VITA (free income tax assistance).

Contributions that can be matched include New Gifts, Repeat Gifts, Reinstated Gifts, Increased Gifts.

Individual Giving- It takes all of to reach our goal and meet needs in our community. Every gift, larger or small, combines to make a powerful impact in our community. You can make your gift in any number of ways. Donate Now with a card, or make a recurring/evergreen pledge . Pledge now pay later . Download a
Pledge card to print & mail . Ask your employer to run a United Way Campaign

Workplace Campaigns- Leading Industries and Businesses in our community who run a United Way campaign provide their employees with an easy way to give back. Payroll deduction makes it simple for employees to give a little each pay check, and those gifts combine to make a real difference. If your company would like to participate, Schedule a campaign now!

* Up to the full amount of the IN24 grant- $21,834. In order to claim the grant, we must raise the matching gifts.


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    Equity statement: Jennings County United Way believes that there is no place for racism in our world.
Our United Way promotes equity and values the diverse backgrounds of all people. read more
    ©2020-2024 Jennings County United Way